
We are the voice for birds and the people who care about them.

California Quail Photo: Rick Derevan

Audubon California is the voice for birds and the people who care about them in the State Legislature and with the Governor’s Office. For decades, Audubon has been improving conditions for migratory birds on the Pacific Flyway, expanding access to nature by creating new parks and programs, and protecting essential places such as wetlands in the Klamath Basin, Central Valley, and the Salton Sea.

Audubon proudly seeks science-based, durable policy solutions that are developed in collaboration with a broad range of stakeholders that include other conservation organizations, landowners, farmers, ranchers, and community-based organizations. We work with members of both parties to promote the protection of birds, the conservation of our state’s biodiversity, and the right of all communities to live in a greener world.  

State Legislation Supported by Audubon California

Audubon-Backed Policy Wins in 2024

Audubon-Backed Policy Wins in 2024

Celebrating Major Policy Wins for Wetlands and the Salton Sea

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Water and Wetlands


Birds and wetlands in the Central Valley must receive the water they need.

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California Quail

Latin:  Callipepla californica

Illustration for California Quail

Golden Eagle

Latin:  Aquila chrysaetos

Illustration for Golden Eagle

Allen's Hummingbird

Latin:  Selasphorus sasin

Illustration for Allen's Hummingbird

American Kestrel

Latin:  Falco sparverius

Illustration for American Kestrel

Western Meadowlark

Latin:  Sturnella neglecta

Illustration for Western Meadowlark

Grasshopper Sparrow

Latin:  Ammodramus savannarum

Illustration for Grasshopper Sparrow

Snowy Plover

Latin:  Charadrius nivosus

Illustration for Snowy Plover

American Bittern

Latin:  Botaurus lentiginosus

Illustration for American Bittern

News & Updates

Audubon CA's 2025 State Policy Priorities

Audubon CA's 2025 State Policy Priorities

Fighting for birds, habitats, & communities in CA’s budget and legislation

Historic New Marine Sanctuary along CA’s Central Coast Shows the Power of Tribal-Led Conservation
Coastal Resiliency

Historic New Marine Sanctuary along CA’s Central Coast Shows the Power of Tribal-Led Conservation

Through collective coalition action, the Northern Chumash Tribal Council showed how tribally-led organizing can lead to historic conservation and protect a culturally and ecologically treasured area

Audubon California Applauds NOAA’s Progress on the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary
Press Center

Audubon California Applauds NOAA’s Progress on the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary

— The historic sanctuary will provide critical protections for marine wildlife and birds
CA Assembly Bill 828 Protects Vulnerable Communities’ Drinking Water & California’s Remaining Managed Wetlands

CA Assembly Bill 828 Protects Vulnerable Communities’ Drinking Water & California’s Remaining Managed Wetlands

Ensuring SGMA Doesn’t Leave Small Community Water Systems & Critical Wetlands High and Dry

Gratitude for Marine Sanctuary Advocates!

Gratitude for Marine Sanctuary Advocates!

A warm and sincere thank you to everyone who played a crucial role in advocating for the protection of the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary along the Pacific Coast.

We did it! Audubon Flocked Together for Virtual Advocacy Day 2022

We did it! Audubon Flocked Together for Virtual Advocacy Day 2022

This year is one for the books.

Press Release: Audubon California Hails Governor’s “30x30” Plan as a Crucial Step towards Protecting State Habitat

Press Release: Governor’s “30 x 30” Plan is Crucial Step towards Protecting State Habitat

"Governor Newsom’s plan is an ambitious yet achievable way to protect California’s people and natural resources."

Success! Audubon's Virtual Advocacy Day Delivers Wins for Birds

Success! Audubon's Virtual Advocacy Day Delivers Wins for Birds

Audubon supporters hold 50 meetings with state representatives to speak up for birds.

Flying V at the Capitol

Flying V

Over 100 Audubon bird supporters flock in the halls of the California State Capitol for Advocacy Day 2019

How you can help, right now