
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Leucistic Anna's Hummingbird in Livermore

Leucistic Anna's Hummingbird in Livermore

Unusual bird takes up residence in birder's backyard.

Buena Vista Audubon purchases wetland habitat

Our congratulations to the Buena Vista Audubon Society for finalizing its purchase of 3.5 acres of wetlands adjacent to the Buena Vista Lagoon Ecological Reserve in San Diego County. The Audubon chapter raised more than $1.5 million to finalize the purchase. The chapter is now finalizing plans to restore the land to serve a variety of birds, including the endangered Ridgeway's Rail. Audubon California was able to help this project with funding from the Wimberly Foundation.

Bald Eagle at Richardson Bay

A resident near our Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary sent us these photos of a Bald Eagle seen on Richardson Bay (in San Francisco Bay) on Jan 3. Originally spotted by Cindy Nelson, this bird appears to be a 4th-year based on the dark feathers still present on its head. This is a very rare sighting for Richardson Bay. The bird was seen in the vicinity of Strawberry Point.

Bald Eagle in Richardson Bay through a scope.
Bald Eagle at Richardson Bay.
San Diego Audubon leading the charge for Mission Bay wetlands restoration

San Diego Audubon leading the charge for Mission Bay wetlands restoration

Through its ReWild Mission Bay project, San Diego Audubon is soliciting public input on a restoration plan that will be presented to the City Council.

In his column in the Tampa Bay Times, State Represenative Mark Pafford urges Florida to drop the Northern Mockingbird as its state bird in favor of the Florida Scrub Jay. We have to wonder though, has he actually met a scrub jay? They aren't exactly all sunshine and roses.

Amazing footage of birds over California rice fields

Check out this video from the California Rice Commission of birds over rice fields in the Sacramento Valley. Thousands upon thousands of waterfowl are now wintering in the Central Valley, and this captures the magnitude quite well. The folks at the California Rice Commission have told us that every effort was made to ensure that the drone used for this piece did not harm the birds in any way, and that the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has approved its release.

The year (2015) in stupid bird humor

The Year in Stupid Bird Humor

Audubon California is a serious conservation organization. These posts from 2015 do not reflect that.

New ‘defense’ of suspect gnatcatcher research only undermines case for delisting troubled species

New ‘defense’ of suspect gnatcatcher research only undermines case for delisting troubled species

New information should prompt the USFWS to promptly reject this cynical effort to remove Coastal California Gnatcatcher from the Endangered Species List.

Longtime bird surveyer, Zoe McCormick, is heading to Cornell

Longtime bird surveyer, Zoe McCormick, is heading to Cornell

Exciting news from one of our youth volunteers, Zoe McCormick, who just received her acceptance letter from Cornell University, home of the prestigious Cornell Lab of Ornithology! Since 2012, Zoe has been volunteering at the Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary where she helps conducts bird surveys and leads monthly bird walks.



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