
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Bill defending California’s migratory birds passes key Assembly Committee

Bill defending California’s migratory birds passes key Assembly Committee

— Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee passes Assembly Bill 2627, which protects California birds in the face of federal rollbacks.

Bobcat Ranch and Audubon's Conservation Ranching program

Audubon California's Bobcat Ranch is a participant in Audubon's Conservation Ranching program. Learn more about that program here.

Tricolored Blackbird gets new protections in fight to stave off extinction

Tricolored Blackbird gets new protections in fight to stave off extinction

— California Fish and Game Commission adds struggling bird to state endangered species list.

We've had enough. It's time for Scott Pruitt to go. This ad ran in major newspapers today.

California Fish and Game Commission to weigh designating Tricolored Blackbird an endangered species
Tricolored Blackbird

California Fish and Game Commission to weigh designating Tricolored Blackbird an endangered species

— Audubon California supports effort to protect rare bird, which has declined 55 percent since 2008.
Tricolored Blackbird nesting season is off and running
Tricolored Blackbird

Tricolored Blackbird nesting season is off and running

Audubon California is joining effort to protect this rare bird both in the field and through policy

Feds make official their move to undermine Migratory Bird Treaty Act

The Trump Administration has put regulatory officials on notice that it will only prosecute intentional killing of birds -- leaving oil companies and others a broad path to destruction. This is a major assault on the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, one of the oldest and strongest bird protection laws.

Prop 68 offers opportunity to revive Kern County gem
Vote For Prop. 68

Prop 68 offers opportunity to revive Kern County gem

Hart Park offers vital recreational opportunities for Kern County families, but it has fallen on hard times. Prop 68 can bring it back.

Tricolored Blackbird breeding season is underway

Tricolored Blackbirds have begun nesting and our biologists are out in the field making sure these rare birds have a chance to survive. Field Technician Kim Sawyer shot this short video at BLM's Atwell Island just a few days ago. If you would like to help us save this great California birds, please consider making a donation.

Volunteers are a driving force for conservation

Volunteers are a driving force for conservation

One Richardson Bay staff member talks about how important volunteers are to helping birds in San Francisco Bay.

How you can help, right now