
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Update from a new Tricolored Blackbird colony in Sacramento County

Audubon California field technician Bill Abbott shows a colony of Tricolored Blackbirds in Sacramento County.

New climate legislation introduced

Smog over downtown Los Angeles. Photo: Ben Amstutz/flickr creative commons

Not long ago, we talked about the bigger climate bills being considered by the California State Legislature. Well, add another one to the list. Senate Bill 775, authored by Sen. Bob Wieckowski, will go beyond simply re-authorizing California's cap-and-trade system. This bill will re-imagine key parts of the cap-and-trade program, and offer financial "dividends" to residents. One of the main goals is to do something for communities that have long suffered the burden of air pollution. The entirety of the legislations is well-explained in this piece by Vox.

Bird enthusiasts join coast-wide effort on May 6 to count brown pelicans
California Brown Pelican Survey

Bird enthusiasts join coast-wide effort on May 6 to count brown pelicans

— Birding blitz along Pacific coast will aid conservation of an iconic species
New offshore drilling poses grave risk to California’s birds and cherished way of life
Press Center

New offshore drilling poses grave risk to California’s birds and cherished way of life

— “The story of every oil spill in recent history has been written in images of dead and dying birds.”
Unprecedented review of national monuments will include seven spectacular California landscapes

Unprecedented review of national monuments will include seven spectacular California landscapes

California monuments are among dozens of designations that the Administration may attempt to reverse.

KQED takes a look at supcoming Brown Pelican Survey

Brown Pelican Photo: Michael Qualls/Audubon Photography Awards

KQED public radio in the Bay Area just did a great piece about the semi-annual Pacific Brown Pelican Survey, for which Audubon California is a major partner. Here's more information about the survey.

Paradise students create native habitat on campus

Paradise students create native habitat on campus

Student group gets certification from Altacal Audubon in Northern California for ‘Neighborhood Habitat’

Audubon California's Samantha Arthur took this photo of Tricolored Blackbird chicks in a nest in Tulare County. With a declinging species like this, every chick is incredibly valuable. Learn how we're working to protect this rare species, and how you can help.

Crows in D

Here's the thinking behind this, according to its maker, Connor Griffith: Crow flight patterns are echoed at a thirtieth of a second to create a loopable waveform that corresponds to a tone. The waveform was measured at 27 crows across one tenth of a second. The animation plays at 12fps (2.25 seconds per 27 birds) and is 22.5 times slower than the rate of the comparable frequency. The median crow waveform was “tuned” to D4 and from there, the other crow waveforms were measured. Different wave shapes (sine, saw) were loosely based on flight pattern shape, which was a result of the speed of the crow and the angle and proximity of the crow to the camera. Got that?

Insect and disease infestation are taking a rapid and widespread toll on Southern California trees

Insect and disease infestation are hitting Southern California trees hard, says the Los Angeles Times. So hard, that it could totally remake the the natural landscape of the area.

How you can help, right now