
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Salton Sea's evolving flows

Salton Sea's evolving flows

Let's take a closer look at the changes in water flows that are driving the current effort to restore bird habitat at California's largest inland lake.

Fire again hits the Audubon Bobcat Ranch

Fire again hits the Audubon Bobcat Ranch

Cold Fire is the third blaze to reach Audubon's woodland sanctuary in recent years.

Humboldt Bay is more important to birds than you might think

Humboldt Bay is more important to birds than you might think

With two types of crucial habitats, shorebirds and waterbirds make great use of this northwest California bay.

The path from eagle endangerment to protection
Wildlife-friendly Renewable Energy

The path from eagle endangerment to protection

Duke Energy revamps bird-safety measures at Wyoming wind farm following 2013 prosecution

New report on bird kills at Mojave solar plant raises serious concerns

The Ivanpah solar energy plant in the Mojave Desert. Photo: Garry George

The last time we heard about the Ivanpah solar plant in the Mojave Desert, the news wasn't good. News was that birds were literally being singed in midair by the plant's intense heat. Well, now things look even worse. According to a new report, bird mortality at the site is much higher than previously thought, with an estimated 6,190 birds killed at the site. That marks a more than 70 percent increase from estimates from the previous year.

"It's an unbelievably high number, and we're really alarmed," said Garry George, renewable energy director for Audubon California, to Greenwire this week. "We have a lot of questions about this mortality report."

George referred to the Ivanpah plant as the "Altamont of solar," a reference to the notorious wind development in the Bay Area that has recorded huge numbers of bird kills.

Audubon California and partners take another step toward legal action over beach development near Monterey

Arguing that a proposed 40-acre development in prime Western Snowy Plover habitat presents too big a threat to the threatened bird, Audubon California today joined with other environmental groups to threaten legal action to stop the project unless proponents incorporate specific actions to protect the birds. The notice was filed by the Center for Biological Diversity, Sierra Club, National Audubon Society, and the Monterey Audubon Society.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has repeatedly criticized the development and argued that “take” — that is, the death or injury — of western snowy plovers will likely result from construction and use of the resort. The project has been working its way through the approval process since 1998.

“Enough is enough,” said Andrea Jones, director of bird conservation for Audubon California. “We are long past the time when putting a development on our sandy beaches and dunes makes any sense. Western Snowy Plovers are already listed under the Endangered Species Act because of habitat loss, and this project specifically takes away more habitat where the birds have been known to breed, forage, and spend the winter.”

Today’s legal notice warns that if the developer fails to follow the course laid out by the Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Coastal Commission — to prepare a “habitat conservation plan” in support of an application for an incidental-take permit — the developer will be subject to litigation under the Endangered Species Act for harming the rare and vanishing birds.

100% of vulnerable Tricolored Blackbird  colonies on farmland saved
Tricolored Blackbird

100% of vulnerable Tricolored Blackbird colonies on farmland saved

— Buy-out program successfully protects imperiled California species
How Birds Benefit from the Colorado River

How Birds Benefit from the Colorado River

Learn more about how Audubon is helping birds along the Colorado River.

The list persists

The list persists

In a world always waiting for the next big social media thing, why are birders still on listservs?

Have you ‘eared? Eared Grebes need a healthy Salton Sea

Have you ‘eared? Eared Grebes need a healthy Salton Sea

Waterbird is one of many species reliant upon Colorado River Delta inland sea

How you can help, right now