
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Water is vital to the survival of California birds

Water is vital to the survival of California birds

On World Water Day, we recognize that water is fundamental to our lives, our communities, and our economy -- but it is also the key to safeguarding our birds.

Swainson's Hawks arriving en masse at Anza-Borrego

Great article in the Los Angeles Times over the weekend celebrating the arrival of thousands of Swainson's Hawks to the Anza-Borrego State Park.

Burrowing Owl and wildflowers on the Audubon Bobcat Ranch

Burrowing Owl on the Audubon Bobcat Ranch. Photo: Dash Weidhofer

Our colleague Dash Weidhofer, who manages the Audubon Bobcat Ranch outside Winters, recently found this Burrowing Owl on the property. It may be the first recorded sighting of that species on the property. He also captured some cool images of the wildflowers blooming.

Wildflowers on the Audubon Bobcat Ranch. Photo: Dash Weidhofer
Wildflowers on the Audubon Bobcat Ranch. Photo: Dash Weidhofer

Support programs that provide water to birds

Snow Geese in flight. Photo: USFWS

You may not have ever heard of the Farm Bill’s Regional Conservation Partnership Program or the Department of Reclamation’s WaterSMART grants – but our birds count on them every day. In the Central Valley, Farm Bill programs help protect Tricolored Blackbird colonies and create surrogate habitat on agricultural lands for a variety of birds, such as Long-billed Curlews, Western Sandpipers, and Snow Geese. WaterSMART conservation programs work at the community level to provide more water for birds and people. These programs have benefits throughout the parched West. In the Colorado River Basin, more than fifteen years of drought is threatening river habitat for the endangered Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo and Summer Tanager.

Please send an email today asking Congress to fully support programs that safeguard birds and conserve water for habitats and communities.

Birdathon 2016

Birdathon 2016

Find a birdathon near you and help conserve the birds we love.

First chick on the Audubon Starr Ranch Sanctuary's Barn Owl nest webcam

We have our first baby owl! If you want to look in live, check out the cam. Obviously, we're very excited about this, as it's the first time in two years that we've had owls nesting here. We suspect the drought has had a lot to do with that.

Return of Audubon Starr Ranch Barn Owls could indicate healthier ecosystem

Return of Audubon Starr Ranch Barn Owls could indicate healthier ecosystem

Are rains the reason that birds have returned to the popular Barn Owl webcam?

Creating Tricolored Blackbird habitat at Kern River Preserve

Creating Tricolored Blackbird habitat at Kern River Preserve

Audubon chapters coming together to create a home for trikes.

Tricolored Blackbirds are Back!

Tricolored Blackbirds are Back!

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) California biologist Jesse Bahm recently spotted a forming colony of Tricolored Blackbirds in Fresno County.

Happy birthday to the National Wildlife Refuge System!

Brown Pelican Photo: Michael Qualls/Audubon Photography Awards

From US Department of the Interior Facebook page

On March 14, 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt established the first wildlife refuge on Pelican Island in Florida. Created to protect bird species that had been hunted to the brink of extinction, this first refuge led to the National Wildlife Refuge System that now includes over 560 refuges across the country. Though the brown pelican has recovered, Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge continues to protect 14 other threatened and endangered species. 

Audubon California is joining up with several other agencies, including the USFWS to complete a citizen science survey of the California Brown Pelican on May 7. Save the date!

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