
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Celebrating Latino Conservation Week

Celebrating Latino Conservation Week

Members of the Latinx community enjoy a camping adventure at Richardson Bay Audubon Center.

Top 8 Reasons to Protect the San Luis Obispo Coast

Top 8 Reasons to Protect the San Luis Obispo Coast

The entire Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Complex is a unique ecological gem that is critical habitat to hundreds of coastal species and provides protection for 63 federal and state listed species.

Eyes on the Sea
Salton Sea

Eyes on the Sea

Communities around the Salton Sea are working together to protect human health and conserve critical bird habitats

Ban on Toxic Lead Ammo Takes Effect in California

At Last, Kiss Lead Ammo Goodbye

Lead from ammunition is highly toxic to birds. The new ban in California protects raptors like the California Condor.

U.S. House of Representatives Approves $30 Million for Salton Sea Crisis
Salton Sea

U.S. House of Representatives Approves $30 Million for Salton Sea Crisis

Funding to address threat to 1.6 million people and 300 species of birds

Let's Go Birding Together (LGBT)
Bird-Friendly Communities

Let's Go Birding Together (LGBT)

Celebrating Pride Month with Let's Go Birding Together bird walks and other LGBTQ inclusive activities.

Audubon Testifies at U.S. House Hearing on the Migratory Bird Treaty Act

Audubon Testifies at U.S. House Hearing on the Migratory Bird Treaty Act

Congress Takes First Step Toward Restoring Bird Protections Eliminated by Trump

SUCCESS! 178,500 Tricolored Blackbirds Saved in 2019
Tricolored Blackbird

Success! 178,500 Tricolored Blackbirds Saved in 2019

This spring, 90% of colonies thrived in the Central Valley

How you can help, right now