
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

So Cal trees threatened by borer beetles and the diseases they carry

So Cal trees threatened by borer beetles and the diseases they carry

Audubon Starr Ranch is working with other conservation leaders to reduce the threat.

Effort to reauthorize cap-and-trade suffers a blow, but hope remains
Global Warming

Effort to reauthorize cap-and-trade suffers a blow, but hope remains

Lawmakers seem eager to find another way to renew state's landmark climate program.

Audubon California statement following failure of Assembly Bill 378 in State Assembly
Press Center

Audubon California statement following failure of Assembly Bill 378 in State Assembly

— Audubon California is extremely disappointed that the California Assembly has failed to pass Assembly Bill 378 to extend California’s leadership in climate policy.
Audubon condemns Trump's decision to pull out of Paris Agreement
Global Warming

Audubon condemns Trump's decision to pull out of Paris Agreement

Audubon President David Yarnold calls move "an abdication of American leadership in the fight against the biggest threat facing people and birds."

USFWS writes about Tricolored Blackbird conservation

Tricolored Blackbird banding. Photo: Veronica Davison/USFWS

Our friends at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service just posted a great article and photo series about Tricolored Blackbird conservation. They've been doing some banding to learn more about this rare mostly-Caliornia bird.

Tricolored Blackbirds in Riverside

Tricolored Blackbirds were once quite common in Southern California, but a number of factors have led to their near disappearance from the region. This colony at the San Jacinto Wildlife Area is one of the few exceptions. This video was shot by Rose Cook in early May, and it's great to see and hear the birds in the field of Curly dock (Rumex crispus).

Learn more about our efforts to save these birds here:

Following this year's rains, not all birds and habitat areas getting water

We've always said that for some birds and habitat areas, it's always a drought. This new piece from Water Deeply is latest example.

Endangered birds on California national monuments

Endangered birds on California national monuments

A quick look at the federally listed birds that use the California national monuments

Scouting for Tricolored Blackbirds near Folsom. Not that we need to remind you, but California can be a pretty spectacular place sometimes. Check out this amazing sky over our team scouting for Tricolored Blackbird nests yesterday near Folsom. And we did find some of the rare birds.

Which CA birds get left out if federal Endangered Species Act disappears?

Which CA birds get left out if federal Endangered Species Act disappears?

If the federal Endangered Species Act is weakened or removed, several bird species in California will lack specific protections.

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