
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

The origins and evolution of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918

The origins and evolution of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918

The decimation of birds by fashion and sport spawned a movement that led to the 1918 treaty that transcends borders and protects birds today

Offshore oil drilling presents a serious risk to California's marine birds

Offshore oil drilling presents a serious risk to California's marine birds

Our marine program director offers the case of the Ashy Storm-petrel as one species that could be devastated by spill.

Audubon Starr Ranch wraps up its 19th bird banding season

Audubon Starr Ranch wraps up its 19th bird banding season

The program lets us know how the birds are doing across this important Southern California habitat.

Ready to meet with your Congressman?

Ready to meet with your Congressman?

Check out this how to guide and other resources used by Mt. Diablo Audubon Society in their first meeting with Congressman Mark DeSaulnier.

Monuments, sanctuaries, and offshore oil drilling -- an explainer

Monuments, sanctuaries, and offshore oil drilling -- an explainer

All these comments on all these actions by the Trump Administration are confusing. Let's break it down.

Trump Administration waiving environmental laws for border wall

The Department of Homeland Security today announced that it will waive dozens of environmental laws and regulations in order to expedite the construction of the first segment of the border wall. This first segment will run eastward from the Pacific Ocean, and will cut through the Tijuana River Estuary Important Bird Area, which contains critical habitat for birds, including birds covered under the Endangered Species Act, such as the California Least Tern, Coastal California Gnatcatcher, and the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher. We've taken a broader look at how the wall could potentially impact birds.

Pacific Americas Shorebird Conservation Strategy

Pacific Americas Shorebird Conservation Strategy

Audubon is partnering with other conservation organizations to protect shorebirds across the Pacific Flyway.

Settlement reached in Panoche Valley Solar Project

Settlement reached in Panoche Valley Solar Project

A settlement agreement was reached to reduce the size of the Panoche Valley Solar Project that will conserve important grassland habitat for rare and endangered species as well as advance renewable energy and create local jobs.

Support for new offshore oil drilling falls to record low in California

Support for new offshore oil drilling falls to record low in California

Despite stiff opposition, the Trump Administration continues push to open new drilling off California coast.

We were there! Governor Brown signs climate legislation extending cap and trade

Gaylon Parsons and Juan Altamirano await the signing of AB 398
Gaylon Parsons and Juan Altamirano on Treasure Island just before the signing of AB 398

Audubon California's Gaylon Parsons and Juan Altamirano were on Treasure Island on July 25th to witness the signing of climate legislation to extend California's cap and trade program.  Governor Jerry Brown, Assembly Member Eduardo Garcia, Assembly Member Kevin de León and others reasserted that California will lead on climate change when our Federal Government does not. 

Our hope is that in the coming years, our leaders will continue to build on these bills to address ongoing pollution and other conditions that disproportionately affect disadvantaged communities. 

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