
Water and wetlands are vital for the survival of California’s birds.

Wood Duck Photo: Harry Collins

Water is fundamental to our lives, our communities, and our economy. Water is also of vital importance to the survival of California’s birds and the habitats that support them. From our coastal estuaries to inland wetlands and waterbodies, water is the foundation of life.

Central Valley wetlands Photo: Lighthawk

That’s why Audubon California has been leading efforts to secure water when and where birds and people need it.  This includes working on the policies and in the places where water matters most. We advocate for birds and drinking water for communities in five key ways:


  • Implementing California’s new groundwater management law;
  • Mobilizing our network during drought to monitor the health of birds;
  • Advocating for our elected leaders to protect water for habitat;
  • Restoring coastal and Salton Sea wetlands that provide habitat, filter water, and recharge groundwater supplies; and
  • Advocating for long-promised water deliveries to vital wildlife refuges.


Read more about the important work that Audubon California is doing to secure water for birds and for communities below.

Central Valley wetlands Photo: Lighthawk
The Case for Wetlands in the Central Valley

The Case for Wetlands in the Central Valley

Vital protections are needed for wetlands that depend on groundwater under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act

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Fighting for Central Valley birds
Working Lands

Fighting for Central Valley birds

Audubon California continues to advocate for adequate water supplies for Central Valley refuges.

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Study: Wetlands Restoration Can Improve Water Quality in Central Valley

New Study Highlights Opportunity for Wetlands Restoration to Improve Water Quality in the Central Valley

Vibrant ecosystems can absorb carbon dioxide helping mitigate climate change and nitrogen cleaning the run-off from human use of the land for agriculture or development.

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Restoring Sonoma Creek for Climate Resilience
Coastal Resiliency

Restoring Sonoma Creek for Climate Resilience

First-of-its-kind project restores 400 acres of tidal marsh habitat along Sonoma Creek in northern San Francisco Bay, helping withstand sea level rise and storm surges from climate change.

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Restoring the Sonoma Creek Marsh

Restoring the Sonoma Creek Marsh

Audubon California is nearing the end of a massive restoration of wetland habitat in San Francisco Bay.

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Governor Newsom Issues Groundbreaking 30 x 30 Executive Order
Press Center

Governor Newsom Issues Groundbreaking 30 x 30 Executive Order

California is first in nation to commit to protecting 30% of our lands and waters by 2030.

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Salton Sea
Salton Sea

Securing a home for birds at the Salton Sea

Audubon California is helping secure the future of one of the state's key bird habitats.

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State Habitat Restoration Project Breaks Ground at Southern End of Salton Sea
Press Center

State Habitat Restoration Project Breaks Ground at Salton Sea

Coalition of conservation and community groups says groundbreaking is positive step towards ending years of inaction at California’s largest lake.

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Audubon Kern River Preserve
About Us

Audubon Kern River Preserve

One of the first ten sites in the U.S. to receive "Globally Important Bird Area" recognition.

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Northern Pintail

Latin:  Anas acuta

Illustration for Northern Pintail

American Avocet

Latin:  Recurvirostra americana

Illustration for American Avocet

Wood Duck

Latin:  Aix sponsa

Illustration for Wood Duck

American Bittern

Latin:  Botaurus lentiginosus

Illustration for American Bittern

Long-billed Dowitcher

Latin:  Limnodromus scolopaceus

Illustration for Long-billed Dowitcher

Snow Goose

Latin:  Anser caerulescens

Illustration for Snow Goose

Greater Yellowlegs

Latin:  Tringa melanoleuca

Illustration for Greater Yellowlegs


Latin:  Bucephala albeola

Illustration for Bufflehead

Latest news

Audubon California: Newsom Expansion of Drought Declaration Means Badly-Needed Water for Migratory Birds
Press Center

Audubon California: Newsom Expansion of Drought Declaration Means Badly-Needed Water for Migratory Birds

— “The Governor and stakeholders need to shift gears and manage for drought as the new normal, rather than an emergency that we address every few years.”
The Case for Wetlands in the Central Valley

The Case for Wetlands in the Central Valley

Vital protections are needed for wetlands that depend on groundwater under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act

Study: Wetlands Restoration Can Improve Water Quality in Central Valley

New Study Highlights Opportunity for Wetlands Restoration to Improve Water Quality in the Central Valley

Vibrant ecosystems can absorb carbon dioxide helping mitigate climate change and nitrogen cleaning the run-off from human use of the land for agriculture or development.

State Habitat Restoration Project Breaks Ground at Southern End of Salton Sea
Press Center

State Habitat Restoration Project Breaks Ground at Salton Sea

— Coalition of conservation and community groups says groundbreaking is positive step towards ending years of inaction at California’s largest lake.
Otoño, 2020 en la laguna Salton Sea

Otoño, 2020 en la laguna Salton Sea

Poblaciones cambiantes -- además de algunos visitantes sorpresa

Environmental Groups: Federal Bill Would Bring "Much Needed Relief" to Salton Sea

Environmental Groups: Federal Bill Would Bring "Much Needed Relief" to Salton Sea

— Salton Sea Public Health and Environmental Protection Act would streamline federal response at California’s largest lake
Avian Botulism Kills 40,000 Birds at Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge

Avian Botulism Kills 40,000 Birds at Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge

Heat, drought and water policy have created a Slow-Motion Catastrophe at the California-Oregon Border

Revitalizing our floodplains

Revitalizing our floodplains

California can solve flood problems by mimicking the natural function of floodplains.

Speaking up for birds amid water debate

Speaking up for birds amid water debate

As the Trump Administration seeks to revamp how water is managed in the Central Valley, we're keeping birds in the conversation.

As state makes new commitments on Salton Sea timeline, it will still be judged by its work on the ground

As state makes new commitments on Salton Sea timeline, it will still be judged by its work on the ground

— With water deliveries set to stop on Dec. 31, the state must move to control toxic dust and protect and restore fish and wildlife habitat.

How you can help, right now