
One event, three bird heroes and a legacy to remember

Two Audubon California supporters share their passions for native plants and birds at a great event this past November.

Our friends at the Art Gallery at Cavallo Point Lodge hosted a book-signing event in mid-November with longtime Audubon California supporter and board member, Susan Gottlieb.

Susan Gottlieb shared the story of her beautiful native plant garden – nearly 30 years in the making. Her book, The Gottlieb Native Garden: A California Love Story, is her story of how to restore natural habitat and protect biodiversity with simple, individual actions. It is also a gift to conservation, as all proceeds from book sales go to environmental organizations including Audubon California.

The Gottlieb Native Garden: A California Love Story is also the legacy of author Mallory Smith, a bright young woman who lost a battle with cystic fibrosis the day before the event. She, too, wanted to change the world. We remember Mallory for her commitment to environmental, social justice and health care issues.

During the event, we were able to check out the current exhibit at the gallery—work by Audubon donor Robert Stevenson, with a portion of artwork sales benefiting Audubon California. Robert’s work is on view throughout December. In January you’ll be able to check it out at the Waterbird Festival at the Richardson Bay Audubon Center.

We are truly grateful to have partners like these.


Seasonal Biological Aides at Richardson Bay enhance conservation and engagement work

Seasonal Biological Aides at Richardson Bay enhance conservation and engagement work

Meet the three seasonal biologists and learn about their work on restoration, conservation, and engagement at Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary in Tiburon, California

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