
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Be a bird-friendly beachgoer this summer
Bird-Friendly Communities

Be a bird-friendly beachgoer this summer

Celebrations on the beach are fun for us, but to nesting shorebirds and their chicks, hazards are everywhere

U.S. Senate passes 2018 Farm Bill with commitment to conservation

In a statement yesterday, The National Audubon Society praised the commitment to conservation in the 2018 Senate Farm Bill. The bill now moves to conference commitee where it will be reconciled with the House Farm Bill passed last week.  Audubon urges robust conservation in the final bill. 

“The Senate Farm Bill provides important tools to collaborate with producers on working landscapes to address bird habitat, water, and soil health needs,” said David O’Neill, Chief Conservation Officer for National Audubon Society. The National Audubon Society partners with private land managers on bird-friendly conservation strategies as part of the Working Lands Program.

The bill provides funding for the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) to bring together farm and conservation groups for mutually benedical collaborations, such as Audubon California's work to protect the Tricolored Blackbird which is now listed as a Threatened under the California Endangered Species Act.

Read Audubon's full statement here and learn more about why the Senate's 2018 Farm Bill is good for birds.

For more on the RCPP and Tricolored Blackbirds in California check out this story from earlier this year. 

"Giving is receiving"

"Giving is receiving"

Andee Burrell has a longstanding passion for local conservation at Audubon’s Starr Ranch Sanctuary; even as she also keeps the bigger picture in view, as illustrated in her story.

Talking shorebirds and action at the Salton Sea

Birds at the Salton Sea. Photo by Andrea Jones

Great article from the The Western Hemispher Reserve Shorebird Network about the need for action at the Salton Sea with some input from Audubon California's, Andrea Jones. Check out the story here.  

Seen any Pacific-slope Flycatchers lately?

Seen any Pacific-slope flycatchers lately?

On the June 15 MAPS banding day at Starr Ranch, Kim Geissler saw 7 Pacific-slope Flycatchers, just one of 31 species seen or captured at the banding station that day.

Bill defending California’s migratory birds passes critical Senate committee vote

Bill defending California’s migratory birds passes critical Senate committee vote

— Assembly Bill 2627 seeks to protect California birds in the face of federal attacks on the Migratory Bird Treaty Act

Exploring SF Bay wetlands with Congressman Jared Huffman

A good day for birding at China Camp State Park. From left, Audubon's Andrea Jones, Marin County Supervisor Damon Connolly, Congressman Jared Huffman, and Audubon's Rebecca Schwartz Lesberg.

Staff from Audubon California today led a birding walk with Congressman Jared Huffman and Marin County Supervidor Damon Donnolly at China Camp State Park. Audubon joined with the National Estuarine Research Reserve to talk about how wetlands provide climate resiliency, biodiversity, and recreational opportunities.

Photo: Rebecca Schwartz Lesberg

Our own Andrea Jones stopped by the Red Hill Bay restoration project at the Salton Sea day before yesterday. Doesn't look much like bird habitat at the moment, but our fingers are crossed that this will soon be replaced by much-needed wetland habitat.

A free pass to kill migratory birds

Strong op-ed in the New York Times today arguing that the Trump Administration's moves to gut the Migratory Bird Treaty Act constitute a blanket pass for industries to kill migratory birds. These actions by the federal government are exactly what prompted Audubon California to sponsor Assembly Bill 2627, which is moving its way through the Legislature now.

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