
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Sprague Ranch House lost to fire
Kern River Preserve

Sprague Ranch House lost to fire

The 1930's ranch house at Audubon Kern River Preserve was lost to a fire on Tuesday night. Although the Sprague Ranch house was a favorite gathering place on the preserve and held may memories, the work of the preserve continues.

Alfalfa is for the Birds!
Working Lands

Alfalfa is for the Birds!

Audubon California is working hard to understand how this crop provides habitat for birds.

Black terns and rice fields

What birds are using rice fields over the summer? Meghan Hertel, our Director of Land and Water Conservation shares a bit about one of her favorites, the Black tern, in this video from the California Rice Commission.

60 years of Conservation and Community Engagement at Richardson Bay

Richardson Bay Audubon Center and Sanctuary is celebrating 60 years of conservation, community engagement and habitat restoration. Check out this video to hear about it from the people who work, learn, research and play there. 

Wildfire and California Rangelands
Working Lands

Wildfire and California Rangelands

Bobcat Ranch is an Audubon property in Yolo County, just outside of Winters. Each summer for the last few years, the ranch has been in the path of fires: the Cold Fire, Monticello Fire, and most recently the County Fire. We had a few questions for our hard-working ranch manger.

U.S. House Passes Harmful Fisheries Bill

Brown Pelicans are fucked. Photo by Steve Torna/Audubon Photography Awards

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 200, which would undermine science-based management and reverse progress of fisheries under the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation & Management Act, a decades old law that has helped over-fished areas recover. The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration.  Read Audubon's full statement here

H.R. 200 is bad news for marine birds in California. Iconic coastal birds such as the Brown Pelican, California Least Tern (a federally endangered species), Black-footed Albatross, Sooty Shearwater, and Tufted Puffin rely on a variety of forage fish such as northern anchovy, sardine,and juvenile rockfish.

Audubon urges the Senate to reject this bill that would have a lasting impact on seabirds.

The Least tern and their most important food

California least terns. Photo by Joanna Gilkeson/USFWS.

 “I love listening to them call when they return in the spring,” says Kate Grabenstein, a volunteer with Sea & Sage Audubon Society’s least tern project.  

The Pew Charitable Trust recently caught up with Kate to learn more about the terns, and about how improving anchovy protection can benefit the birds. Check out full article here

Protect our marine birds and mammals: stop HR 200

Protect our marine birds and mammals: stop HR 200

On Wednesday, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on a bill that would undermine the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA). The MSA is the primary law that governs management of ocean fish in U.S. federal waters and has served as the nation’s road map to sustainably managed fisheries.

Regeneration at Audubon Kern River Preserve

Reed Tollefson recently spotted some cottonwood saplings, a sign of regeneration at the Audubon Kern River Preserve. 

After several years of drought the forest had some large patches of dead trees. These cottonwood saplings colonized a niche left by the dead trees after the 2016 flood. Floodwaters were followed by a decent amount of water in year two for these saplings. Baring another drought many of these young trees should thrive under Audubon’s stewardship.

Toward a renewable future

Toward a renewable future

Bill that puts California on the path to a renewable future passes key Assembly Committee vote

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