
Latest News and Updates from Audubon in California

California Condor. Photo: Scott Frier/USFWS

Ojos en el Mar de Salton. Lo más destacado de 2019
Salton Sea

Ojos en el Mar. Lo más destacado de 2019

El dilema dinámico de la conservación de aves y la participación comunitaria en el Mar de Salton

Eyes on the Salton Sea - 2019 Highlights
Salton Sea

Eyes on the Sea - 2019 Highlights

The dynamic crossroads of bird conservation and community engagement at the Salton Sea

Ojos en el Mar de Salton: ¿qué estamos viendo?
Salton Sea

Ojos en el Mar de Salton: ¿qué estamos viendo?

El Mar de Salton ha sido llamado la “joya de la corona de la biodiversidad aviar”.

Eyes on the Salton Sea – what are we seeing?
Salton Sea

Eyes on the Salton Sea – what are we seeing?

The Salton Sea has been referred to as the “crown jewel of avian biodiversity"

Remembering my first Christmas Bird Count

Remembering my first Christmas Bird Count

On the 120th Anniversary, join an Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count near you

Thousands of Albatrosses Saved from Deadly Fishhooks
Seas & Shores

Albatross Saved from Deadly Fishhooks

This big win came after years of advocacy from the Audubon network

The Salton Sea is Collapsing

The Salton Sea is Collapsing

The Salton Sea is shrinking rapidly, killing the fish on which migratory birds depend and exposing airborne dust that endangers the health of the 650,000 residents who live nearby.

El Mar de Salton se está agotando

El Mar de Salton se está agotando

El Mar de Salton se está reduciendo rápidamente, matando a los peces de los que dependen las aves migratorias y exponiendo el polvo en suspensión, lo que pone en peligro la salud de los 650.000 residentes que viven cerca.

Albatrosses Killed by Longline Fishing Gear
San Francisco Bay

Albatrosses Killed by Longline Fishing Gear

Federal fisheries managers threaten albatrosses with another push for new pelagic longline fisheries off the west coast.

25 Years of Desert Conservation
Important Bird Areas

25 Years of Desert Conservation

Protections for desert bird species including the the Golden Eagle, Burrowing owl, Gila Woodpecker, Cactus Wren, and Greater Roadrunner

How you can help, right now